Friday, September 14, 2007

A Great Tip for Pond Netting

When you place your pond net over the pond this fall, try to keep it stretched above the water. It is much easier to blow off leaves when they are dry than when they are wet. If the pond is large, consider laying stakes or PVC tubing across the pond and then set the net on top. If you have any other tips on keeping leaves out of your pond, please fell free to post your comments.


Anonymous said...

Some packaged pond netting only lasts 1 year. Buy the good stuff. It saves money in the long run.

Anonymous said...

We drive steel stakes ( concrete form rods)into ground and attach an aviation cable to them to form net supports, and use 2 pool pillows in the wide areas to keep net dry.
Frank H

Anonymous said...

I found last year that deer netting which costs about 4 dollars for an 80 by 10 feet roll with a little piece of wood across it really kept my ponds clean. this spring it took me a half hour total to clean all three of my 500 gallon ponds.

Anonymous said...

We have to deal with not only leaves but also bits and pieces of acorns, dogwood seeds, and the like. The normal pond netting is just a tad to large to keep this stuff out. Adding a layer of nylon netting (available in most fabric/craft stores) works very well for us. It can be easily removed and the debris shaken off. The pond netting underneath supports it and keeps it from getting wet and sinking into the pond.

Of course, we too use pvc piping as supports under the pond netting. A couple of bricks or small stones here and there on the top keeps everything from blowing away.