A customer forwarded this email to Aquatic Connections and we wanted to share it with everyone. This is truly amazing. A lady found a hummingbird nest and got pictures all the way from the egg to leaving the nest. Took 24 days from birth to flight. Because you'll probably never in your lifetime see this again, enjoy; and please share. Be sure to click on NEXT PAGE at the bottom of each page; there are 5 pages in all. If you want to see pictures of a hummingbird nest, egss & hummingbird babies please Click here.
Also, if you haven't read the two comments left on the Hummingbird Posting from 3/31/09, you missed a link to a 2009 Hummingbird Migration Map. For a link to the Map, Click Here.
1 comment:
Though I have not put out hummingbird feeders, I grow a vining climbing plant called Cardinal Climber. It has a lovely leaf and a small trumpet-like flower that the hummers continually come to. Give
it a try.
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