Temperature plays a very important part in the care of poinsettias. According to Smith, you should protect the poisettia plants from temperatures below 50 degrees when you are transporting them from the store to your home. To prolong their color, keep your plants in rooms where the nighttime temperature is around 60 degrees and the daytime temperature is around 72 degrees. Smith goes on to say that poinsettias prefer high humidity. For more information on P. Allen Smith's tips on how to increase the humidity around the plant and whether you should fertilize poinsettias, click here to go to his full article. At Aquatic Connections, we try to pass along helpful tips about plants, gardening, and of course, ponds. Poinsettias can be arranged in beautiful urns, like the one in the picture, featuring Proven Winners Diamond Frost. If you have any of your own poisettia care tips, feel free to share them.
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