Thursday, November 1, 2007

Extend the Life of Your Tropical Water Lilies

A brand new product is on the market that will extend the growing season for your tropical water lilies. The Thermoplanter is an innovative new tool for anyone who wishes to grow and enjoy tropical waterlilies. Whether you have a water garden in your back yard or a container on a patio, the Thermoplanter will make growing these wonderful plants easy. The Thermoplanter will allow you to place your lily outside 4-6 weeks earlier in the year than normally possible. In more southern climates the Thermoplanter will insure winter survivability only possible in the deep south. In the north the tropicals can be wintered in the Thermoplanter by simply bringing it indoors and plugging it back in, no difficult storage methods or techniques.
The Thermoplanter is available at Aquatic Connections Water Garden Center. It will be available for purchase online at shortly.

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