Thursday, October 11, 2007

How do I keep my fish population under control?

You started out with a few koi and a few goldfish and three years later you need a bigger pond. Not because the original fish have outgrown it but because they are breeding like crazy! What can you do? We have had requests at Aquatic Connections, for catfish because it has been discussed that they will help control the population. (by doing what? consuming the eggs or eating the existing fish?)You can scoop out the jelly-like masses of eggs when they are laid in the pond. Look for them in the areas where there are plants. You should notice some change in behavior of your fish before the eggs are laid. They seem a little more aggressive, swimming around a lot more with other fish chasing them. There should also be some change in appearance of the females when they are carrying a sac full of eggs, just as all pregnant women can attest to. Please help out your fellow pond owners with any tips you may have on controlling the fish population by posting them here.

If you need a new long-handled pond skimmer net to reach the eggs to scoop them out you will find them at

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